Unit 1:
Part 1: Here you are the summary (to be continueD).
Part 2: Parts of a microscope (Note: It is high level. Therefore, just if you know really well the part 1 and beyond, study them. If not, don't waste time. Important things first ;) ).
And here is the link of the cell video (by Alex).
Unit 2:
New version of the summary!!! We'll talk about it on Monday.
Enjoy studying it (and the whole unit), understand it, and use it (completing the homework and creating extras if you like it).
Unit 3:
Here you are the NS 3 summary.
Use these padlets to share your knowledge, discoveries, ideas, works...
Remember: use your name with the initial (no family names), and no faces!!!Use these padlets to share your knowledge, discoveries, ideas, works...
Password protected. If you don't remember it, call a friend ;)
Padlet: Ideas for Halloween.
This website is awesome! Go to NS/Year 5/ and play with the first three units:
From another friend teacher (Ainhoa): https://padlet.com/
Remember you could cooperate with the class adding information to the padlets, suggesting materials for Kahoot and Plickers...