Hello! My name is Sergio and I am going to be your teacher of ENG, NS & SS (English, Natural Science and Social Science).
I will use this main page (news) to notify important things along the course (e.g. *) or modifications done to the rest of the pages (i.e. First term page was created).
* During September we will review the 4th grade subjects:
+ Bring your 4th grade books if it is possible.
+ You don't need to bring the new books (5th grade) the first week (maybe the 18th...).
Monday 11th :Paquita´s books (first term of Spanish Language and Maths) and materials (2 notebooks A-4)
Tuesday 12th: English books of 4th grade.
Wednesday 13th: N.science book 4th grade.
Thursday 14th: S.science book 4th grade.
Friday 15th: Sergio will take a photo of the books of 5th grade and I.S.B.N., so we can check them at home, and bring them with the names (maybe the 18th, probably 25th).